About Me
most important thing to know about me: i have a kind of autism that my parents want to call "aspergers". i am a woman thing. i love marine animals, especially dolphins and whales! and i love to draw my favorite characters and my friend's favorite characters to make them smile. :-) i have a lot of love for many pleasures..... i want to go to college classes again someday, maybe not even to pursue a degree specifically, i just like to learn! i love science and math, even if im not the best at the latter L.O.L. (that means laughing out loud) i turn an age next march that, when both digits are added together, make the 2nd prime number. (i smile cheekily with an apple on my desk)
my Harbour Porpoise sona. Doesn't have a specific name so you can just refer to her like she's just me!
the basics
name: taylor
age: 22
race/ethnicity: white american (southern in origin, currently in the PNW)
gender identity: nonbinary woman
pronouns: she/her
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hi! |
i am a... |
activist, admirer, animal lover, artsy, autistic, bidyke, bisexual, bitch, boy hater, boy lover, brunette, cat lover, chick, commie, creative, creature, cuddly, cute, dog lover, dork, dreamer, dyke, effeminate, esoteric, fangirl, feline, feminine, feminist, femme-loving, freak, friend, full of love, furry, Green, gay, gay-friendly, gender challenged, gender liberationist, girl, girl lover, girlfag, glittery, grrl, hairy, hippie, homosexual, introvert, leftist, lezzy, library dyke, loving, man-loving, misunderstood, multifacetted, nerd, obsessed, odd, passive, pervert, quiet, romantic, Socialist, same gender loving, sapphist, sensitive, she-geek, shy, spiritual, strange, sweet, thang, third gender, transquestioning, unique, weird, wench, witch |
♡ who are you? ♡ |
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